The WTF 'Board Room' is Officially Here!

  • Welcome all WTF'ers to the Board Room! Our very own place to sound off on any and all topics in sports that we have on our minds!

    Our motto here is to "rant with a purpose" and we are so excited to give you all the platform to do so!

    We want each of our WTF'ers to get to know each other, and which teams they are fans of, so make sure to introduce yourself with the 'Introductions' section!

    In addition to the sports talk, we provided sections for any sort of off-topic conversation, so long as it doesn't go against our community guidelines, as well as 'The Lounge' section, for all WTF'ers to hang out!

    Once again, Welcome to the Board Room! 

    Jake Tawil - WTF Staff

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