WTF Forum Rules

  • Forum Rules:

    1. Treat other users with respect. Not everybody will have the same opinions as you.
    2. No self-promotion except where applicable.
    3. No purposefully creating threads in the wrong section.
    4. No misleading titles.
    5. No bumping dead threads for no important reason.
    6. No soliciting or asking for like / replies (however saying "like and reply if you appreciate it!" is acceptable.
    7. No hateful/harmful/vulgar/obscene/threatening/racist comments.
    8. No minimodding.
    9. No clickbait.
    10. No impersonating other members.
    11. No changing a staff member's quote in a post.
    12. No ban evasion.
    13. No NSFW content.
    14. No posting spoilers to entertainment.
    15. No posting personal information of a user.
    16. Use common sense. Just because something isn't listed on the rules doesn't mean it's allowed. Staff always have final say.
    17. No "Alts/Alternate" accounts are allowed, any users with multiple accounts will be banned.
    18. Do not spam statuses.

    Violation of any of these rules can result in either a warning, temporary ban, or permanent ban depending on severity of the infraction and how many infractions one has. 3 warnings results in a 1 week ban.

    Although the administrators and moderators of WTF - We The Fans will attempt to keep all objectionable content off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all content.

    While we aren't perfect, we do try to maintain a strict order. If you feel you have been unfairly banned or infracted, create a dispute in the dispute section.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, or threatening.

    By signing up you agree to all the rules above and are held accountable.

    The staff of WTF - We The Fans reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content for any reason.


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